Murex Wins Technology Vendor of the Year and Three Risk Market Technology Awards from

XVA calculation product of the year, best support for RFR market and pricing and analytics: structured products/cross-asset distinctions secured

Murex Wins Technology Vendor of the Year and Three Risk Market Technology Awards from

PARIS, November 29, 2023—Murex has been named technology vendor of the year by, awarded by the editorial team to the most recognized vendor at the Risk Market Technology Awards this year.

Murex secured an award recognizing the XVA calculation product of the year. Murex also won in categories focused on the best support for RFR market and pricing and analytics: structured products/cross-asset. Murex was proud to support clients across the world as they navigated diverse business challenges during the past year. These include the transition to risk-free rates, support for complicated XVA calculation and precise pricing and analytics of structured and cross-asset products.

“We thank for this recognition,” said Bruno Castor, head of enterprise risk management. “XVA represents a continuous journey. From accounting for its impact on P&L, navigating active risk management and hedging, to optimization of capital requirements, our ambition is to support our clients in effectively managing XVA impacts. Murex has made substantial investments in developing a product that aligns with those business requirements. We also aim to accelerate the adoption of innovation for our clients, allowing them to concentrate on their core business. Murex provides the software solution, the infrastructure, and the seamless integration of new innovations as they emerge.”

Didier Loiseau, Murex global head of trading and co-head of the IBOR discontinuation program, and his team recently addressed the LIBOR discontinuation journey Murex took with clients around the world.

“From Day 1 of the LIBOR discontinuation journey, we worked as a team not only to enable the transition to risk-free rates for our customers, but also to equip them with the right tools to navigate the new normal,” Didier said.

He also discussed Murex ambitions following the pricing and analytics: structured products / cross-asset award win.

“Our ambition is twofold: On one hand, we equip clients in the structured product business with an extensive catalogue of cross-assets financial instruments and corresponding pricing analytics,” Didier said. “On the other, we ensure a seamless front-to-back-to-risk coverage for all these instruments.”

To learn more about Murex and its awards wins, contact us.

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